Thursday, July 5, 2007

Legends of the Shetland Seas

To give you an idea about the Legends of the Shetland Seas by Hazel Carter begins at It's wonderful place for wool and patterns. This pattern takes 4 oz of Blackberry Ridge Thistledown wool singles and a size #2 needle.

I'm not very good yet at blocking and I've over measured the width but perhaps when I'm finished knitting this shawl, it will work out okay. It's really a beautiful pattern and I love the story that goes with this shawl of "monsters, silkies and Finn folk."

1 comment:

Lacefreak said...

Dear ellen,

I think your shawl looks wonderful! Everything looks just like it should. I may be knitting with a thicker yarn than you are or else I'm knitting tighter, otherwise it looks just great. Nice to have someone else knitting it at the same time I am.